U12 - Großwalsertal (A)
Fr, 03.05.2024, 19:00 Uhr
U16 - Alberschwende (H, Schlins)
Sa, 04.05.2024, 12:00 Uhr
U14 - Alberschwende (A)
Sa, 04.05.2024, 12:30 Uhr
U10 B - Bürs B B (A)
Sa, 04.05.2024, 14:30 Uhr
KM 1b - Bludenz (H)
Sa, 04.05.2024, 14:45 Uhr
U10 A - Bürs A A (A)
Sa, 04.05.2024, 15:45 Uhr
U18 - DSV (A, Göfis)
Sa, 04.05.2024, 16:00 Uhr
KM - Sulz (H)
Sa, 04.05.2024, 17:00 Uhr
U13 - VFV Auswahlen (A, Satteins)
Sa, 04.05.2024, 17:00 Uhr
KM-FR - SPG Bregenz/Dornbirn/Lustenau 1c (H)
Sa, 04.05.2024, 19:00 Uhr


FC Schlins Shop


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Der ERNE FC Schlins hat das ehemalige Dress der Altherren nach Ghana gespendet. In Ghana hätten sie genug Tormänner ... ;o)


Matthias Tang hat sich persönlich mit einem Brief bei uns bedankt:

Dear Christian,
Greetings from Ghana.
I wish to first of all apologized for sending you the pictures late. The reason is that I miss placed your email address. I have to call your mother for it again.
I decided to give the Jersey to our Knabe priesterseminar in Sawla (Ort). They didn't have any Jersey at all. The students together with rector and the rest of the staff were more than happy to have received them. They have asked me to express their heartfelt gratitude to you for this kind gesture. They also wish you and your family well.
Lots of God's abundant blessing on you and your family.
Matthias Tang


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